Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Prayers for Unity

I'll tell ya the unity I'm praying for:!#$%!!!!!: the numbering on the psalms, at least throughout the Catholic world?
But meanwhile, even when I was on the cusp of paganinity, (paganuity? paganitude?), I used to pray this psalm verse, from Psalm 11... er..., Psalm 12, well if you go by the Septuag... oh, never mind.
Anyway, as I've gotten back into the habit of the Office of Readings, as always, this one made me giggle, yesterday.
I imagine many young women pray it, even without knowing it is a verse from a psalm....

Save me, Lord, for the good men are all gone: there is no-one to be trusted among the sons of men.

You know how there are society that surreptitiously distribute pamphlets, of tracts, or superstitious novenas, or whatever?

Don't you think a stack of artfully designed cards or pamphlets bearing that verse, with something pointing the curious reader toward the rest of the psalm, and then to the rest of the Psalms, and then to the rest of the Bible, maybe next to the kleenex box in ladies rooms at certain types of watering holes has the potential to effect some highly to be desired results?

Just an idle thought

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