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Friday 9 January 2009

First Evening of the Gregorian Chant Workshop

A lovely, prayerful, enlightening, (in almost every sense of the word,) experience.
Sorry I won't be able to stay for everything this weekend, but duties at my own parish, you know...
Any way, the program presented by Canon Wulfran Lebocq at Chicago's Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest exceeds expectations.


I am left wondering, not for the first time, if before a priest or seminarian is permitted to explore the Extraordinary Form if he must first go to charm school.
The word "charm" isn't right, it sounds facile and shallow, but the fact is every priest, deacon, religious or seminarian I have ever met who is connected with an order that says the EF, exclusively or not, is a positive pleasure in whose company to be.
This is without exception.
They are all so amiable.

One wonders where the caricature of the dour traditionalist came from... I suspect lay people, who embattled, grew embittered.
But even if they have good cause, they must fight against that.
I swear, the joy and kindness these men exhibit is such that, had been told, now, everyone hold your nose and hop on one foot while you sing this next bit, our exertions would have been herculean in our efforts to comply...

I wish I were rich in worldly goods, I would love to do note scads of money to them (and not just because that was the first time I'd ever been able to see my breathe at Benediction.... FREEZING in the under-restoration & -renovation church.)

Excellent homily by Msgr. Schmitz (sp?) I wish I had taken notes.


Dad29 said...
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