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Saturday 28 February 2015

That Imaginary Dinner Party

I believe the 36 Questions That Lead to Intimacy, or whatever they're called, (so glad I knew what that concept was before watching Big Bang...) include the famous, who would you like to have dinner with?
Himself and I have have only settled so far on, (we limited it to living persons,) the Pope Emeritus, Tim Gunn, Barry Humphries, (he can dress as he likes,) and a dear friend who is witty, learned, interesting and above all so very, very kind.
Now I think I'd like to add Damian Thompson to the guest list,  (though he probably wouldn't care for me,) and after this in the Spectator I doooooo so hope he'd except!

It's not for his remarks about Cdl Pell, or Vatican finances, as I'm trying not to form any opinion on that because of ad hominem affections and antipathies and indifference.

No, it's for this impossibly perfect, snarky descriptive term:
The "Carry On" Synod on the Family
Carry On, Cardinal!
 . .
 Image result for carry On movies
Is that Cardinal Marx? He's ever such a nice man....

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