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Saturday 9 May 2015

Prayers in Time of Plague

Grant to us, Lord, to receive the effects of our supplications ; and turn  away from us, of Thy goodness, pestilence and famine, that the hearts of men may acknowledge that such chastisements arise from Thy anger, and cease through Thy loving-kindness...
Would not put it quite like that - ever notice that the people with whom the Almighty has the least cause to be angry often bear the brunt of His fuppofed anger?
Still, it's presumptuous to attribute motives... who can know the mind of God? who can know the thoughts of the Lord?

Anyway, thank You, Lord.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Liberia free of the Ebola virus, confirming that the country has had no new cases in 42 days.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told the BBC that Liberia had "crossed the Rubicon" and would be celebrating a concerted effort to stem the disease.
More than 4,700 deaths from Ebola have been recorded in Liberia, more than in any other affected country.
Neighbouring Guinea and Sierra Leone continue to fight the outbreak.
It has claimed over 11,000 lives across the region since last year.
The WHO regards a country Ebola-free after a 42-day period without a new case - twice the maximum incubation period.
The last confirmed death in Liberia was on 27 March. On Saturday the World Health Organization said in a statement: "The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia is over."
Ever since Americans and white people stopped startling us Americans and white people by coming down with the plague, the only time it figures prominently on tv seems to be when comics mock us for ignoring it after our collective sigh of relief.
I understand the whole crisis fatigue thing, but how can Ebola, how can the suffering in Nepal, be less important than under inflated pigs' bladders?
Himself, with some justification, gets miffed over the frequent politicization of the news on EWTN, (and consequent slant,) but I swear, they often, with their drastically fewer resources and drastically shallower pockets than the American networks, (broadcast or cable,) offer more comprehensive coverage of  non-religious matters of international importance.

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