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Monday 26 January 2015

A Permanent "Vacation From the Church"

The Non Catholic Rundown has an obituary for the late Richard McBrien. Oddly, I was just thinking about him last week, wondering, as I thought about how often I attend a Mass where I must damp down always too often smoldering anger at the disrespect and Solipsism with which liturgical ritual is treated, why he had not pooped up on my radar of late.
He had been very ill for a number of years and moved away from his power base.

Prayers going up for his soul; he was responsible for on of the most evil pieces of advice I had ever read in a Catholish periodical from someone entitled to wear a roman collar.

I boiled down to: your church makes you sad? stop going until someone there makes you happy.

Got that?
The woman poured out her frustrations, saying that the pastor had taken the parish back to a church that she knows nothing about...
In my reply, I wrote: “No, you are not simply to ‘get used to it’. Parishioners need to go elsewhere...
If there are no parishes or other worshipping communities in the vicinity where the pastoral leadership is healthy rather than driven by a narrow ideology, then one simply has to ‘take a vacation’ from the church until the skies finally clear and we are bathed in sunlight once again.” 

How perfect for members of the I'm-Spiritual-But-Not-Religious denomination.....

Actually, it's a kind of Donatism, isn't it? You'd think someone with a "knowledge of [the Church's] history" would know that.... unless he really didn't believe in the sacraments, as a source of supernatural grace.

Which I hope was not true.

May the angels lead him into Paradise....

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