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Monday 19 April 2010

A Study in Contrasts, and a Glimpse of the Future?

Very interesting article in US Catholic about the next generation of priests, and how they, with their better (my word, not the article's) formation might be getting along with their predecessors and (current but aging) bosses.

I will refrain from tagging the post "40 Years in the Desert" although it is way tempting...

(Incidentally, Father Bart? there are indeed circumstances when the amice is required. But I can't lame you for not knowing that, and I certainly can't blame you for not wanting to wear it or the alb in the Tucson heat. But I do fault you for not doing so.)

The author of the article, by the way, thinks she's reporting but can't help editorializing, whether from ignorance or agenda, I do not know: Before he began presiding with his back to the parishioners...

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