Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday 7 October 2007

BMP's Congregational White List

The blogger in chief of the Christus Vincit triumvirate doesn't have a White List per se, but recently blogged on the entire contents of his parish's music resource, Music Issue 2008.
Without his permission, but I doubt he'd mind, I'm going to copy his lists from his archives and try to winnow out ("winnow in?") the contemporary.
I am more interested in leads on musical works for choir or schola. Also, a lot of his selections seem to be "doo-fers" usable, but not exactly praiseworthy.
And, I don't know for sure that everything I've eliminated was traditional, or that everything I've left is contemporary., I'll have to get a hold of the Music Issue and check.
But for now...
322 Gift of Finest Wheat /
328 Taste and See (Moore)
338 I Am the Bread of Life
345 Eat this Bread
306 Let Us Go to the Altar
311 Gather Us Together
316 Our Eyes Are Turned to the Lord
335 Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
351 I Received the Living God
352 Anima Christi (Toolan)
386 These Alone Are Enough -Schutte
387 Christ Be Beside Me
393 God Be in My Head -Grayson Warren Brown's best works I've seen.
398 Jesus, Remember Me
439 Seek Ye First
483 Prayer of St. Francis
407 All the Earth (Deiss?)
408 Word of God, You Spoke Creation -Gael Berberick
415 Where Charity and Love Prevail - Dom Paul Benoit (Scelata says: I wouldn't count this, as the great Benoit did not actually compose the tune)
439 You Are Near
450 Spirit of God within Me - Soper
467 Like a Child Rests
489 There Is One Lord (Alstott)
492 Hold Me in Life
497 We Walk by Faith/In Times of Trouble (Barbara Bridge text - two tunes involved here: Jesu Dulcis Memoria for the refrain, Ave Maris Stella for the verse. Her best work!)
500 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
506 Christ, Be Our Light - Bernadette Farrell
508 O Christ, Our Teacher /
509 O Christ, You Speak the Names of God
519 Out of Darkness (Chris Walker's best work I've seen, IMO)
520 Those Called by Christ /
523 Pescadore de Hombres (in English)
526 Only This I Want (Not bad in the devotional category at all)
531 Holy Wisdom, Lamp of Learning
533 Now My Heart (not bad at all for John Foley)
538 From North and South (The team of Colgan and Kelly
546 Revelation (Brown)
573 Laudate, Laudate Dominum (Latin refrain, English verses)
580 The Word of God Was from the Start /
585 O Silence
587 God of the Hungry - Soper
588 The Cry of the Poor
608 Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ
674 Hear Us Now, Our God and Father /
675 God, Who Created Hearts to Love
680 Keep in Mind
628 I Have Loved You (As long as it's not done as a Responsorial Psalm, as I've sadly seen happen)
637 Canticle of Zachary (Joncas) (One of his far better works!)\
667 Remember Your Love (the only Dameans song I actually white list!)
679 Song of Farewell (Sands)
688 Yes, I Shall Arise (Alstott)
696 Be Still My Soul
697 Healing River of the Spirit
704 Song of Mary (Schutte)
712 Mary, Woman of the Promise
713 O Holy Mary (Alstott?)
715 Hail Mary, Our Icon (Scot Crandal)
(Scelata says: Putative "Psalms" not usable for Liturgy of the Word, but suitable for other points in the Mass, I left off all the actual psalms he listed as there really are a number of usable setting of such -- though hardly any consistently good and licit collections)
758 Psalm 25 (Manion)
768 Psalm 33 (Dufford)
769 Psalm 34 (Dean)
787 Psalm 84 (Joncas)
792 Psalm 91 (Joncas)
829 Magnificat (Alstott)
832 Magnificat (Farrell) /
833 Benedictus (Farrell)
834 Nunc Dimittis (Ridge)
843 O Radiant Light (Mode I)
849 Create a Clean Heart (Alstott)
852 Grant them eternal rest (Alstott)


Brian Michael Page said...

You have my blessing. Later in the week, I'll be doing a similar take on the Advent/Lent 2007-08 edition of "Today's Missal".

Brian Michael Page said...

That missalette review (as promised) is done.