Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Inculturation and Cultural Imperialism

"Consider the sign of peace. In some East Asian cultures, a bow may replace the handshake as a gesture for this ritual moment."
"Replace?" "REPLACE?"
I know one cannot suggest that anyone from a minority culture speaks from a POV of even inadvertent racism or prejudice, so I'll just wonder if the writer is Yoowesseeseebee-centric. (See IGMR, para. 82)
It's very easy to forget that ones own experience is just that, merely ones own, Fr. M.
There's a reason the name we, in the Church, go by means "universal", and a reason that parochial means "parochial."
We have far too often suppressed signifiers of the former, and elevated whims and preferences to the level of rubrics, to our great and lasting detriment.

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