Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday 7 October 2007

Traditional Worship 8:00, free alcohol and pornographic movies 10:30

I exaggerate of course, the day will never come.... or will it?


In order "to make it hard for teenagers to go to hell ... ministers and pastors desperate to reach young congregants" are using "an unusual recruiting tool", Halo.
Focus on the Family mealy-mouthedly stays impartial (don't want to upset potential allies in the next boycott...)
A voice of reason is quoted:
“If you want to connect with young teenage boys and drag them into church, free alcohol and pornographic movies would do it,” said James Tonkowich, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, ..... “My own take is you can do better than that.”
We had a choir member who missed rehearsal because she had to go stand in line to buy a game the moment it was released, her son wanted it so badly, I've got to assume it was Halo.
I guess, if some religious organizations are doing this that anyone would be a stick in the mud for objecting to the fact that no one can be told to be reverent in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I guess the reasoning is, if they were admonished, they might take offense and decamp for a denomination that offers coffee bars... or now, I see, Halo.
I think the family celebrating today could have made more noise after Mass if they had really tried.
Or maybe they couldn't, perhaps that was the very loudest they could be.
They'll need to go into training to come up to the very high standards set at some recent weddings.

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