Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Catching up on my VCR watching...

Yes, yes, I have unwisely permitted myself to become attached to not one, but TWO new television series.
(And as if this weren't one of my busiest seasons in any year, this year I have accepted a principle role in a stage production and am shepherding Himself through one, -- he could do it in his sleep, but his lingering health fears require a certain amount of jollying along on my part -- and directing the adult choral for the Xmas concert...)
But I also taped and finally watched an episcopal installation on EWTN... mostly nicely done, Alabama!
Completely inconsequential, but what struck me was that the new bishop concluded his homily with a prayer to his guardian angel (it was the feast day!) which I have not heard since I was small, and which I must admit, always confused me -- why was I entreating my guardian angel to "ruin God"?
[Think about it...]

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