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Wednesday 17 October 2007

LitCom Meeting (8-o)

What Mass WILL we be celebrating on the evening of December 8th??!?#?$??^%?&?&???
And wasn't that a reaction to the question, will we be doing anything to accommodate any requests for funerals or weddings according to the Missal of Blessed John XXIII per the articles of Summorum Pontificum? Very pastoral...
And when did we go back to calling the arrangement of prayers that we do on the evening of All Souls' Day "Vespers"?
I have no objection to singing Shepherd Me O God at a prayer service, but I have a real problem with programming music for a LITURGY, (which, I'm afraid, despite the beliefs of some DRE slash Liturgists, any part of.... um, well, Liturgy of the Hours is,) that does not respect the integrity of the text of either scripture or other liturgical texts.
Well, you can't do anything about things you can't do anything about.
By which I mean I can't do anything about things I can't do anything about.
It was interesting hearing the prayer group down the hall.
The idea about participation of the various music ministries in one of the Stations was pretty well received, as was chanting the proper Introits again for Advent, (albeit in English, and to psalm tones.)
Truth to tell, even if I though the LitCom and Father would go for it, the choir would rebel at the Gregorian chant... the few real communion antiphons that we do on major, major holy days are pushing it right now.... but some day...

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