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Monday 12 October 2015

Encouragment for a Persevering Minority That is In Need of Such Support

I think I, pretty much, fit into the group Fr. Richard Heliman references here who don't necessarily look to certain prelates for... well, for much of anything.
And with Fr Heilman, I want very much to hope that a man of such zeal as Cardinal Dolan is going to put that zeal to good use, to be not just be zealous, but to show himself zealous for the the authentic Truth and Beauty and Goodness of the Faith.
I think many well-intentioned people go though their lives at least occasionally, and for some, many, many, many times, gazing about at the wicked prospering no, not even that, simply laborers who don't try, or aren't well intentioned, or can't be bothered, or took the easy way out, but who are receiving the same wage for which you contracted with the landowner of the vineyard ; and the thought occurs, why am I being a sucker, why have I been working since dawn?
I admit, Matthew 20 has always been a really hard passage for me, but I know God's ways are not my ways, I accept that.
But sometimes, sometimes, it seems, not as if the guys that came on the job at five are simply receiving the same day's wage for which you signed on -- it seems as if they are getting paid and you are not.
The love, welcoming, inclusion -- they're all lavished on someone else, while you might as well have your head stuck in the railing.You don't begrudge the others, but isn't there a bit of attention left for you, for your needs, your wants?
“Inclusion of the New Minority” by Cardinal Dolan
A very refreshing, consistent theme of the synod has been inclusion. The Church, our spiritual family, welcomes everyone, especially those who may feel excluded. Among those, I’ve heard the synod fathers and observers comment, are the single, those with same-sex attraction, those divorced, widowed, or recently arrived in a new country, those with disabilities, the aged, the housebound, racial and ethnic minorities. We in the family of the Church love them, welcome them, and need them. Can I suggest as well that there is now a new minority in the world and even in the Church? I am thinking of those who, relying on God’s grace and mercy, strive for virtue and fidelity: Couples who — given the fact that, at least in North America, only half of our people even enter the sacrament of matrimony– approach the Church for the sacrament; Couples who, inspired by the Church’s teaching that marriage is forever, have persevered through trials; couples who welcome God’s gifts of many babies; a young man and woman who have chosen not to live together until marriage; a gay man or woman who wants to be chaste; a couple who has decided that the wife would sacrifice a promising professional career to stay at home and raise their children — these wonderful people today often feel themselves a minority, certainly in culture, but even, at times in the Church! I believe there are many more of them than we think, but, given today’s pressure, they often feel excluded.
Where do they receive support and encouragement? From TV? From magazines or newspapers? From movies? From Broadway? From their peers? Forget it!
They are looking to the Church, and to us, for support and encouragement, a warm sense of inclusion. We cannot let them down!

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