Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Monday 20 October 2014

Bravo, Bishop Farrell

Exactly right, we help because we are catholic".
I am sure that some of you have heard the news that Ms. Louise Troh, her son and nephews are now out of the 21-day quarantine period for Ebola. We thank God that they are now and have always been symptom free. You may remember that Ms. Troh was the fiancée of Thomas Eric Duncan, who lost his battle with Ebola ... Ms. Troh and her family found refuge at our diocesan Conference and Formation Center in Oak Cliff where they stayed in one of the casas in a remote corner on the grounds.
 I was asked by reporters this morning why I said yes to the request from Mayor Mike Rawlings and Judge Clay Jenkins to offer housing for Ms. Troh and her family.  I told them that I did pause to think of all of the possibilities but that when I asked myself “What would Jesus do?” I knew that we had to help.  Certainly, the Catholic Church has a long history of helping those in need and Ms. Troh and her family were and remain in need.  Another reporter referenced the fact that the family is not Catholic.  I explained that we don’t help because someone is Catholic, we help because we are Catholic

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