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Friday 10 October 2014

St Vincent of Lerins, to the Synod Fathers?

 And to us following it, and , please, to those reporting and speculating on their doings.
From today's Office of Readings:
       Is there to be no development of religion in the Church of Christ? Certainly, there is to be development and on the largest scale.
       ...But it must truly be development of the faith, not alteration of the faith. Development means that each thing expands to be itself, while alteration means that a thing is changed from one thing into another.
.......The understanding, knowledge and wisdom of one and all, of individuals as well as of the whole Church, ought then to make great and vigorous progress with the passing of the ages and the centuries, but only along its own line of development, that is, with the same doctrine, the same meaning and the same import.
        Though bodies develop and unfold their component parts with the passing of the years, they always remain what they were. 
      ...The tiny members of unweaned children and the grown members of young men are still the same members. Men have the same number of limbs as children. Whatever develops at a later age was already present in seminal form; there is nothing new in old age that was not already latent in childhood.
    ... If, however, the human form were to turn into some shape that did not belong to its own nature, or even if something were added to the sum of its members or subtracted from it, the whole body would necessarily perish or become grotesque or at least be enfeebled. In the same way, the doctrine of the Christian religion should properly follow these laws of development, that is, by becoming firmer over the years, more ample in the course of time, more exalted as it advances in age.

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