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Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wanted to Create a Mess? "Mission Accomplished!"

I'm liking Bishop Tobin of Providence more and more.
He has a pretty down to earth take on the just past Extraordinary Synod.

Among other thoughts, (one of which was a friendly dig at a heterodox periodical and at a sometimes over-wrought and over-combative priestly blogger whose initials are "Father Zuhlsdorf"):
— Have we learned that it’s probably not a good idea to publish half-baked minutes of candid discussions about sensitive topics, especially when we know that the secular media will hijack the preliminary discussions for their own agendas?
— I wonder what the Second Vatican Council would have looked like and what it would have produced if the social media had existed at that time......

— Wherever he serves, Cardinal Burke will be a principled, articulate and fearless spokesman for the teachings of the Church. ....
Relax. God’s still in charge.

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