Universalis, your very own breviary in pixels...

Sunday 22 June 2014

"Ecce Panis Angelorum!"

Behold, the Bread of Angels!

What a delightful surprise, a priest notable for taking the shortest option the rubrics allow, (and sometimes ones they actually don't....) had us do the optional sequence this morning.

Spoken, not sung, but even so.... and the entire poem, not the short version.

Two weeks ago we omitted Veni Sancte Spiritus, (required!) and I assumed as pastor that was his choice, but it seems it may have been the visiting celebrant.

And a wonderful homily.

(I think the chant for the verse that begins "Ecce..." is one of the most haunting of the entire Gregorian repertoire. Who know, maybe one day we'll chant it here?)

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