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Sunday 15 June 2014

The Trinity

Absolutely magnificent homily this morning.

Fr. E., a very holy, learned and elderly Passionist is always a fine preacher, always.
 I have heard Mass with him on a weekday when he has been asked to take it on little or no notice, (and he has a long drive to reach our parish,) when he apologizes for having no time to prepare and instead shares a short reflection from the Office of Readings, or some other spiritual writing with minimal commentary --- and these talks are near perfection.

But this was superb even by the lofty standard he sets himself. (All of this will be paraphrasing, and I can't do it and him justice, but I hope I won't misspeak, either.)

He talked about the centrality of the mystery of the Trinity, the incomprehensible enormity of it, (he told the story of Augustine and the child on the beach,) and what the consequences of our believing in this dogma would be, must be IN OUR LIVES.
How had I never realized that before? It's not just an effort of faith or intellect, such a doctrine isn't just something to internalize -- it has actual, real life effects.

And how could it not?In Living the Drama of FaithRomano Guardini tells us that,
"the dogma of the Blessed Trinity...is a completely transcendent mystery. It conveys to us the unspeakable profundity of that divine life that draws its own life from itself and has no need of any other... yet, when I, as a believer, speak of the Blessed Trinity... I understand by it the first principle and ultimate end of my Christian existence.[emphasis added]
Principle? What is a principle if it does not affect ones conduct?
The Trinity is as perfect an ideal of human love for us to strive after as the image of the Bridegoom and His Church  -- the latter is a "pregnant" love, if you will, while from the love between the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit has already forever and unchangingly proceeded.
(Interesting that geometrically the triangle, the three-sided figure is the only stable polygon,the only one that,  the sides being given, the angles, that is, the way in which the sides relate to each other, are unchanging, CANNOT change. Or maybe not interesting, maybe that other thing....)

Fr. E. also brought in the composition of the human family, one man and one woman, and the utter essentialness, ('zat a word?) the needfulness of both permanence and openness to new life. (Which made for a sleek and tiny Fathers' Day digression.)

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